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ACR Chicago is an association of multidisciplinary professionals who have an interest in or practice managing and resolving conflicts.  We are dedicated to the development and advancement of knowledge, skills and tools in the field of conflict resolution (CR) and collaborative decision making.


1. Develop our members’ knowledge and skills in employing best practices in CR procedures .

2. Provide our members’ knowledge and tools to help them develop their CR practices .

3. Increase the use of CR by promoting public understanding of CR processes.


1. We support the needs and goals of our membership while recognizing that our membership is diverse as to:

A. The form , or forms, of CR in which the members are involved, e.g., mediation, arbitration, and other forms of CR procedures chosen by the parties;

B The arenas in which the disputes or issues are handled, e.g., community, private, and public organizations; court annexed or related; domestic relations;

C. The subject matter context of the disputes or issues, e.g., contract or tort cases – and subsets of same; community; custody; divorce; employment; organization; school;

D. The goals , or perceived objectives, sought, e.g., resolution of a distinct dispute, reconciliation or preservation of a continuing relationship, creation of a framework for resolution of future anticipated disputes;

E. The member’s role , e.g., as a coach, facilitator, mediator, arbitrator, restorative justice practitioner, social worker, trainer, teacher, advocate, party; and

F. The member’s operating philosophy regarding self-determination; effectiveness in terms of time, resources, and emotions; professional and personal growth.

2. We serve as a forum  for the presentation and discussion of differing views. We act as an advocate for issues/positions taken by a consensus of our membership.  We strive to articulate various positions held by different constituents in all organizational presentations.  Specialized interest groups may be created, any one of which may, by consensus, take positions, if they are clearly indicated to be of that specialized group and not of the organization as a whole.

3. We value partnering with other CR related organizations for our mutual development and benefit. To download a list of other CR related organizations, click here.

4. We support, encourage and include all CR options and stakeholders.

5. We strive to advance, support and incorporate the diverse characteristics, goals and interests of our members through our strategic themes and activities of ACR Chicago. A complete statement about our commitment to diversity can be found here.


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